Pet Haus

Pet Haus, a Durango-based pet food and wellness supply store, teamed up with senior Marketing students from Fort Lewis College on a Spring 2023 marketing campaign. In doing so, Alicia led the design and production of the store’s seasonal catalog, the design and manufacturing of original merchandise, and other print materials. She was also the coordinator for the pet photography fundraiser in partnership with Pet Haus, which very quickly and efficiently raised $1000 for the La Plata County Humane Society.

A sample page from the Pet Haus catalog. At the top is blue bold font that reads "Happy means healthy." Below is a subsection of type that describes wellness products offered at Pet Haus, and below that, a photograph of cat and dog supplements.
A sample page from the Pet Haus catalog, which displays bold font at the top clarifying "Our mission." The mission statement in smaller text is written directly below. Below both sets of type, there is a photo of a dog on a bright blue background.