Alicia Hansen | Founder
Alicia Hansen is a visual media and marketing professional from the high mountains of Colorado. Though seeking to maximize her career as an independent artist and designer, she began her creative endeavors as a fashion and portrait photographer. This work allowed for extensive travel and international publication, spanning roughly a decade before retiring from the genre and electing to pursue an Bachelor’s degree. She now photographs almost-exclusively as an extension to branding and design.
At present, Alicia finds herself graduated from Fort Lewis College with a (double) B.A. in Communication Design and Marketing, and Minor in Studio Art. She has crafted an incredibly diverse set of marketing and multidisciplinary portfolios while maintaining a high GPA. During her collegiate career, she has won numerous awards, grants, and scholarships, and has received multiple certifications. Her first book, a visual resource collection for graphic designers and brand specialists, was published in May, 2023. The future is bright!